Regency Forest
Pet Memorial Cemetery

Project Location: Middle Island, Town of Brookhaven, NY
Client: Regency Forest Pet Memorial Cemetery

The construction of an 11,600 SF one story structure containing crematorium, offices, and viewing rooms and parking for a 25-ac. pet cemetery in Middle Island, NY.  The site is located within the Central Pine Barrens Compatible Growth Area restricting the maximum allowable site clearing and the percentage of the site with fertilizer dependent vegetation.  Stormwater runoff generated from a 5-inch storm event was directed to a system of interconnected leaching pools and recharge basin.  The site utilizes an individual on-site subsurface sanitary system.  The project required a number of area and setback variances.

Nelson + Pope’s services commenced with the preparation of the required engineering and environmental documents for the filing of variances and culminated with the preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP).  Services included civil, sanitary and site, engineering for the design and preparation of the site improvements and infrastructure plans and technical services relating to the preparation of documentation and computation for SEQRA compliance and SWPPP preparation. N+P staff assisted the Client in the procurement of municipal permitting and approvals.

Relevant Project Components:

  • Conceptual Site Plan
  • Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Long Island Pine Barrens Commission Application
  • Technical assistance for Environmental Assessment Form (EAF)
  • Site Improvement and Infrastructure Design
  • Stormwater, Sediment and Erosion Control Design
  • Sanitary Disposal System Design
  • Water Service and Backflow Prevention Design
  • Parking Lot Lighting Layout
  • Technical Assistance for SWPPP