Ralph Marino Park

Project Location: Oyster Bay, New York
Client: Town of Oyster Bay
The Town of Oyster Bay replaced the existing natural turf field and provided additional improvements at Marino Memorial Park, on Berry Hill Rd. Such improvements included replacement of the existing natural turf field which had been installed over fifteen years ago with a synthetic turf infield; modification of the grading and design installation of an underdrainage system and necessary drainage calculations; reviewing design for potential different size basepaths; and potential fence and backstop upgrades.
N+P provided construction plans and administration, bid assistance and review for the improvements of this project including title sheet, existing conditions/demo plan, Site Layout & Materials Plan, Site Grading & Drainage Plan, Typical Sections & Miscellaneous Details, and assisted the Town with addendums as required.
Relevant Project Components:
- Surveying & Preparation of Mapping
- Preparation of Site Plans
- Bid Assistance and Review
- Preparation of Construction Documents
- Construction Administration
- Drainage Design