Sustainable Energy
There are a variety of energy choices available with differing goals to help manage social and environmental impacts. N+P has continued to build and apply our growing understanding of sustainable energy, from low footprint designs to highly efficient renewable energy solutions to power your organization. N+P believes that a more sustainable, long-lasting future begins with intentional design and build practices today. Our team, which includes LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and Envision Sustainability Professionals, are well-versed in providing practical results for the betterment of our local communities.
Sustainable energy services include:
- LED Light Conversions
- Energy Rebates Evaluation
- Energy Recovery for Water Re-Use
- Green Space
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- LEED Administration &
Sustainable Design Practices - Renewable Energy Design for Solar & Geothermal Systems
- Building Due Diligence & Energy Studies
- Grant Writing & Administration
- MEP/High Efficiency Equipment Solutions
- Power Generation, Cogeneration, & Fuel Cells