California Beach Park &
Shoreline Improvements

Project Location: Inc. Village of Poquott, Town of Brookhaven, NY
Client: Inc. Village of Poquott

The Village owned Park and Beach fronts Port Jefferson Harbor on the northern shore of Long Island.  To mitigate the impacts associated with the uncontrolled discharge of stormwater runoff from upland areas directly in Port Jefferson Harbor, the Village of Poquott  contracted with the team of N+P and Nelson Pope Voorhis, our environmental affiliate, to prepare plans and permitting for the expansion of the existing park, a stormwater management system and for the  shoreline restoration and stabilization.  The  stormwater management system consisted of shallow sub-surface systems leaching and sediment control structures, bio-retention/rain garden areas and bioretention overflow channel.  The shoreline restoration and stabilization consisted of stone revetment, and revegetation. Improvements to the park included a new parking lot and relocated boat ramp.

Technical assistance and plans were prepared for Town, State and Federal permitting and plans, specifications and construction contract were prepared for the public bidding of the project.  N+P assisted the Village during the bidding process and with the review of the bidders. During construction, N+P assisted the Village by providing construction contract administration, site visitations to document the contractor’s conformance to the plans and specifications and work progress, and project closeout.

Relevant Project Components:

  • Topographic/Existing Conditions Survey and Mapping
  • Location of Wetlands Line and Apparent Highwater Line
  • Assessment of Existing Conditions and Development and Evaluation of Alternative Improvements
  • Technical Assistance for Town of Brookhaven, NYSDEC, NYSDOS and USACOE Permitting
  • Design and Preparation of Plans and Specifications
  • Stormwater, Sediment and Erosion Control Design
  • Preparation of the Estimate of the probable Cost of Construction
  • Technical Assistance During Bidding
  • Review of Bids and Recommendation of the Lowest Responsible Bidder
  • Technical Assistance During Construction
  • Site Visits to Document Contractor’s Compliance with the Contract Documents
  • Project Closeout Review